Extract from Littoral
Rustbrown flowerspikes of curled dock; woodvetch; witch’s-thimble; sparrowstongue; bluepurple rayflorets of starwort; seabindweed; seablite; seapea; searocket; sea-spurge; seawormwood; sheepsorrel; beds of fleshcoloured stonecrop; goldenmoss. / Incurving shore entirely composed of shells, many in tolerable integrity. Assembled on th stormbeach, groups of women & children rake wt fingers for unbroken specimens of cochleate, turriculate & helicoid structure, to sell to visitors./ Mussels strewn wt keyhole limpets, cockles, podrazors, rayed artemises, conesnails, winkles, barbed wreaths, spotted augers, navelsnails, scallops, mermaid’s trumpets, piddocks, volutes, whelktingles, seabeards, bearded nerites, toothedwinkles, wentletraps, pheasantshells, chinkshells, furrowshells, carpetshells, necklaceshells, fanshells, fileshells, sunsetshells, sundialshells, lobeshells, heartshells, tongueshells, toothshells, tuskshells, earshells, hoopshells, mitreshells, needleshells, pandorashells, venusshells, perspectiveshells, turretshells, towershells, noahsarkshells & moonshells.