Sample poetry
- Coppice by Jean Atkin
- Hard work by R V Bailey
- The Art of the Handkerchief by Michael Bayley
- He left by Denise Bennett
- Proposal by Denise Bennett
- The neck of him, watching the news by Rebecca Bilkau
- Nana swears by Rebecca Bilkau
- Stars by Anne Born
- pavarotti at the grosvenor house hotel by Sue Boyle
- The cacti by Melanie Branton
- Edward Thomas’s watch by David Broadbridge
- Quiet Green Fireworks on July 4 by Graham Burchell
- Otto Weiss’s Corner by Maggie Butt
- Lizard by Caroline Carver
- beyond the forest by Caroline Carver
- Wren’s Nest by Ian Royce Chamberlain
- Observed by A C Clarke
- Fr Meslier on his book by A C Clarke
- Margery’s vision by A C Clarke
- Stalin’s Desk by Ross Cogan
- It’s always April underneath your arms by Ross Cogan
- Grandparents by James Cole
- Passionflower by Robert Cole
- Isolated by Chris Considine
- Heat Seekers by Christopher Cook
- Love’s Camel by Rose Cook
- Pruning the magnolia by John Daniel
- Eyeless in Didcot by John Daniel
- In this Bowl by Miriam Darlington
- Goodbye, Islands by Will Daunt
- The Walled Garden by Sue Davies
- Free Fall by Sue Davies
- On Rothco by Carol DeVaughn
- Captain by Hilary Elfick
- The politician and the paparazzi by Hilary Elfick
- X-rays by Rose Flint
- Night Vision by Rebecca Gethin
- The Other Side of Sierra Aguilar by Terry Gifford
- Extract from Littoral by Giles Goodland
- Olive Harvest by Cora Greenhill
- Slow Music by David Grubb
- Looking Back Down by Charles Hadfield
- The Dreamfisher by Oz Hardwick
- As we leave the woods by Jan Harris
- Passing Through by Ken Head
- Gran’s Cosmetic by Bill Headdon
- Rockhammer by Graham High
- The Party’s Over by Jenny Hockey
- Jalfrezi by Jenny Hope
- Woodlice by Susan Jordan
- Fairy Godmother by Ann Kelley
- Nightwalking by Ann Kelley
- Long Mynd Sheep by Helen Kitson
- Legacy by Wendy Klein
- When African women laugh by Kathleen Kummer
- Opinion Poll by Marianne Larsen
- Making Hay on the Snowline by Patricia Leighton
- The Tub by Genista Lewes
- Sea Poetry by Anne Lewis-Smith
- To a Boy Making a Paper Hat by Dana Littlepage Smith
- Another year by Janet Loverseed
- At the Festival of Texts by Mary Maher
- In New York by Antony Mair
- Tsunami by Alwyn Marriage
- Ski scene by Alwyn Marriage
- What colour is Beatrice the rat? by Marie Marshall
- Laughter by Fokkina McDonnell
- At Twyford Station by Joan McGavin
- Panicked by Joan McGavin
- Pluto’s Secrets by Denise McSheehy
- Behaviour patterns by Andrew Nightingale
- After the Uffizi by Christopher North
- Village Wedding Relleu by Christopher North
- Berners’ Doves by Christopher North
- Manhattan Bridge Loop, 1928 by David Olsen
- After by Jennie Osborne
- Ascending by Jennie Osborne
- Cello Suite No. 5 in C minor, J S Bach by Helen Overell
- Frost Hollow by Mandy Pannett
- Inverse analysis by Melanie Penycate
- At the crossroads by Melanie Penycate
- Watch by W H Petty
- The Wall by Glen Phillips
- Refuge by Glen Phillips
- Murmuration by Sue Proffitt
- Before by Simon Richey
- Rembrandt’s Self-portrait aged 63 by Lynn Roberts
- Feather by Mary Robinson
- Ice Queen In The Sauna by Elisabeth Rowe
- Fat cat by Elisabeth Rowe
- By the Way by Elisabeth Rowe
- Sharing Territories by Ron Scowcroft
- Hotel with Health Suite by Ann Segrave
- Ukelele baby by Ann Segrave
- Sonnet VI by Richard Skinner
- Violin romance by Jane Spiro
- Icescape by Jane Spiro
- Salthouse by Robert Stein
- Salthouse by Robert Stein
- Nightscape by Anne Stewart
- Swimming my way home by Angela Stoner
- Come in by Angela Stoner
- Martins by John Stuart
- Heatwave by Paul Surman
- Tiger Dreams by Michael Swan
- August Pleasureboats by Diane Tang
- Moonshine by Susan Taylor
- Haiku by Susan Taylor
- Dipping the Sheep in a Rainbow by Susan Taylor
- She Mountain by Susan Taylor
- proddable all over (excerpt) by Michael Thomas
- Twilight by John Torrance
- Pied Wagtails by Mark Totterdell
- London, after looking into Jung Chang’s Wild Swans by James Turner
- Brother Slug by Anthony Watts
- Grace for Granted by Christine Whittemore
- Speakers of Eyak by Simon Williams
- Goats by Simon Williams
- Trajectory by Simon Williams