Anne Born
Anne Born (1924-2011) was a poet and prize-winning translator. As well as writing twelve books of poetry and history, she translated over fifty books from Danish, Norwegian and Swedish. She was born in Sussex, educated at Copenhagen and Oxford universities and lived for many years in South Devon. She was the Founding Editor of Oversteps Books.
Sample poem: Stars
Oversteps publications
Singing Granites (2008): poems of Devon and Gondwanaland by Anne Born and Glen Phillips, jointly published in Australia and the UK
Recent news
Anne Born’s obituary, published in the Kingsbridge Gazette, 12th August 2011.
[27-Aug-11 ]
A beautiful celebration of Anne Born’s life and work took place in Malborough in Devon on August 1st. Included in the service were personal and professional eulogies and a selection of Anne’s poems read by members of the Company of Poets. After the service family, friends and fellow poets all moved on to the Port Light restaurant overlooking the sea, to continue remembering and celebrating a remarkable woman.
[2-Aug-11 ]
It is with sadness that we report that following a long illness Anne Born died on Sunday night. Anne created Oversteps Books in 1992, and ran it until 2008. As well as being an imaginative and supportive editor, Anne was a fine poet herself and a renowned translator from Scandinavian languages. She will be sorely missed.
[19-Jul-11 ]
- Australian poet Glen Phillips, who co-authored ‘Singing Granites: Poems of Devon and Gondwanaland’ with Anne Born in 2008 has now had some of the poems from that book translated into Chinese, and they are included in a new bi-lingual Chinese-English poetry book published in Mudanjiang China.[13-Jul-11 ]