
  • Elisabeth Rowe won third prize at the Chagword Poetry Competition

    [29-Apr-15 ]

  • Jean Atkin was runner-up in the Prole Laureate competition 2015. She won the Fire River Poets competition 2014/15,and was Poet in Residence at Wenlock Poetry Festival, reading in the final Gala evening with Carol Ann Duffy and Imtiaz Dharker.

    [29-Apr-15 ]

  • Genista Lewes has been highly commended in the first stage of the Bath Poetry Competition. Final results later this summer.

    [29-Apr-15 ]

  • Alwyn Marriage has been shortlisted for the Leeds Peace Poetry Prize.

    [12-Apr-15 ]

  • Radio 4’s Something Understood’ on Palm Sunday included a poem from ‘Fr Meslier’s Confession’ by A C Clarke.

    [4-Apr-15 ]

  • I can hardly keep up with the good news about Oversteps poets that is flooding in today. Now I hear that Tony Watts has won first prize in the Four Counties Poetry competition and was, like several other Oversteps poets, long-listed in the National Poetry Competition.

    [27-Mar-15 ]

  • More good news from the National Poetry competition: Oversteps poet Robert Stein has had two of his poem long-listed. Congratulations Robert.

    [27-Mar-15 ]

  • Jennie Osborne has won the Kent and Sussex Poetry competition with her poem ‘First to Blink’.

    [27-Mar-15 ]

  • Christopher North has been commended in the Torriano competition, and won third prize in the Flash Fiction section of Bare Fiction magazine.

    [27-Mar-15 ]

  • A C Clarke has been long-listed in the National Poetry Competition.

    [27-Mar-15 ]