Ross Cogan was commended in this year’s Ware Poetry Competition.
[13-Sep-13 ]
Simon Williams and Susan Taylor are launching a new poetry publication next month, called ‘Broadsheet’. The first issue will include poets reading at the Exeter Poetry Festival and poets from Devon and Cornwall. The Oversteps poets represented in this first issue are: Jennie Osborne, Rebecca Gethin and Alwyn Marriage.
[13-Sep-13 ]
Mandy Pannett has won the 2013 Red Shed Poetry Competition.
[15-May-13 ]
Simon Williams was highly commended in the Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Competition
[15-May-13 ]
Susan Taylor and Simon Williams have visual poems in the Domestic Cherry / Artsite exhibition at Post Modern Gallery, Swindon.
[15-May-13 ]
Denise Bennett won first prize in the Hastings Poetry Competition, and Alwyn Marriage was highly commended.
[15-May-13 ]
Charles Bennett’s new libretto, ‘Five Days that Changed the World’, will receive its world premier at Worcester Cathedral on July 26th.
[15-May-13 ]
Jean Atkin has been selected by the Scottish Poetry Library to be poet in residence at Logan Botanic Garden in Galloway this August as part of the Walking with Poets project.
[15-May-13 ]
Joan McGavin, who was recently highly commended in the Bishop’s Castle Arts Festival Poetry Competition, has been invited to be a trustee on the new Winchester Poetry Festival, which will start in 2014.
[15-May-13 ]
Oz Hardwick won the Sentinel Annual Poetry Prize.
[15-May-13 ]