
  • Oversteps News 27

    [29-Sep-13 ]

  • Alwyn Marriage has won the BigUpWords poetry competition, whose theme was ‘Trees’.

    [27-Sep-13 ]

  • Joan McGavin has become a trustee for the new Winchester Poetry Festival, which will start in September 2014.

    [21-Sep-13 ]

  • Christopher North has won 2nd prize in the Poetry on the Lake competition.

    [15-Sep-13 ]

  • We were very pleased that Robert Stein was commended in last year’s National Poetry Competition.

    [13-Sep-13 ]

  • Alwyn Marriage is Poet in Residence for the Winchester 10 Days Festival, from 26th October to 3rd November.

    [13-Sep-13 ]

  • A C Clarke came second in the Segora competition.

    [13-Sep-13 ]

  • Alwyn Marriage read at the Just Festival in Edinburgh in August. This was formerly the Festival of Justice and Peace.

    [13-Sep-13 ]

  • Sentinel Literary Quarterly has appointed Oversteps poet Mandy Pannett as their new Poetry Editor.

    [13-Sep-13 ]

  • Joan McGavin was the Course Tutor for a five day poetry course at Le Moulin in Normandie in June.

    [13-Sep-13 ]